Hi, I'm Lars. Welcome! Glad that you are interested in my projects. 🙂
I work on & maintain tools for the Unity Engine. Have a look down below!
- Projects -

- About me -
I am a software developer from Germany with an interest in interactive media, education & design. I have four years of experience working professionally with the Unity Engine. Until the end of 2022 I worked on an educational app that will be part of a scientific study at the Technical University of Munich. The app features a playground where chemical molecules can be assembled into a 3D structure and students can solve tasks. While working on this project I had the idea for a Unity Tool that simplifies creating UI that floats and follows objects in 3D. In 2022 I started working on a Unity tool called FloatingUI, that simplifies creating floating UI. Nowadays, I work on & maintain Unity tools that I wished for when working on bigger projects.